Thursday, June 12

Step Three - Making the Links

Step Three - Making the Links:

For this step you will need:
Sharpie, ruler, round-nose pliers, and fused rings

Depending on the size of your pliers, make a mark on the pliers at about 3.5mm - 4mm diameter with the Sharpie. This will help make all your links the same size.

Slip your fused ring over the jaws of the pliers (lining it up with your mark)and pull the jaws apart, creating an oval link. If your link snaps, most likely it was not fused properly.

Measure the oval link and make another mark at the half way point. Hold the link at one end and with the round-nose pliers gently squeeze the link to form a bow-tie shape or peanut shape.

Grasp the bow-tie in the center and with your fingers, gently bend the bow-tie so both ends are touching.

You have just made your first link!

1 comment:

treasurefield said...

Wow! It's so helpful and nice of you to share this info and take the trouble to show the steps. Thank you!
alisa R.