Wednesday, December 26

Non-handmade Confession

Prompted by this article in the Etsy Storque: "Confess, Cheaters", I too must confess my mass-produced buying sins....

While I'm not overly crafty, (I don't sew, paint, draw, or do well with a glue gun) I can cook. So to fill the Handmade Pledge order, I made POUNDS and POUNDS of Spiced Pecans! They were a big hit. Woohoo, I was off to a great start! But then the realization that some items I just couldn't make and I didn't know how to fill their Holiday Wish without buying something mass-produced. Grandma wanted a certain perfume and my husband wanted a certain band's CD. So, there you have it...I bought perfume and TWO CDs. Oh, and I received an awesome set of non-handmade knives (so I can cook!).

I will try to do better next year and throughout the year during other gift-giving holidays and birthdays too.

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