Monday, November 13

Has Crafting Hit Its Peak?

I remember once upon a time, there were two really large Arts and Crafts shows in my area every year. Our family would plan for these events for weeks before the actual show!

Gas in car - check
Bottled water - check
Picnic - check
Cash - check
Sunscreen - check
Hat - check

We were ready!

Today there seems to be an Arts and Craft show in just about every town, every weekend. My love for these events hasn't faded. I still make it a point to go as often as I can. However, with these events being so common now, some of the excitement and thrill has subsided. I know that if I miss a show this week, there will be another one next week.

As a consumer and lover of all things crafty, I am well aware of this fact. As a crafter and jewelry designer, I too am well aware of this fact. So, my big question a craft show every weekend in every town sustainable?

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